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5 Tips While Working from Home

Speak Agency • Mar 20, 2020
We are currently in unprecedented times and many of us are getting used to a new work-from-home lifestyle. Zoom meetings and Slack chats have become our new working normal for the time being. Working from home is whatever you make of it. Do you want to wear pajamas all day? Okay! Do you want to blast your favorite music from 8AM to 5PM? Sure! Take the time to figure out what works best for you. In the mean time, here are some helpful tips and tricks to help you get settled. 

1. Choose a designated work space 

First things first-make sure you have a comfortable workspace – including a good desk, ergonomic chair and computer that works properly. Use a room within your home with a door so you can close to work and take calls. You’re going to be spending a lot of time there and it needs to feel good. Even though you’re working from home, personalize your workspace with some of your favorite photos or a plant! 

2. Check-in with co-workers more frequently 

During this time, your co-workers are also busy working from home and probably miss chatting with you (we can hope). Be sure to check-in with them throughout the day and ask them how they are doing. Give them a call instead of just emailing or messaging them. 

3. Stick with a routine

Working from home means you no longer have a normal routine throughout the day. Our commutes have changed from a 20-minute drive to 10 steps. Make-up has been forgotten and most of us don’t know what jeans are anymore. In order to stay productive, we still need a routine and stability in our lives. Get dressed in the morning, continue working your normal hours, and make sure you define a specific “ending” point to your work day. Make sure you build in transitions throughout the day. Take some time in the morning to make coffee or tea and sign off on all your work devices at the end of the day. 

4. Practice self-care 

It’s a difficult time. They are a lot of uncertain things at the moment and we are all feeling the impact on society. While you’re working, make sure to set some time aside to practice self-care. Make yourself a delicious lunch or go for a 15-minute walk outside. Don’t forget to give yourself breaks and stand up every now and then. Also, limit your exposure to the news. A quick check of your favorite news site can become a rabbit hole of distracting and discouraging information. Turn off notifications and have one or two designated times during the day to catch up and stay informed. 

5. Have fun! 

While it’s important to maintain routines and ensure you meet deadlines, make sure you are taking care of yourself and have fun. We are all in this together and remember that you are not alone. Listen to your favorite music or an interesting podcast. Put a reality TV show on in the background, the Kardashians are always entertaining. Compete against yourself while working on a task. However you have fun, make sure it’s a part of your daily routine! 

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